Thursday 26 January 2012


What is it with my dreams?  I have one continuous dream that really upsets me, and I really don’t understand why I have it!  I mean, it is not like anything triggers or there is any relation with any reality, I just have it all the time!  It upsets me and gets me down.

I am living with my parents, and usually there is something that sets arguments up, and normally it’s with my mom. The arguments are strong and fuelled with anger. I feel trapped because I want to move out, but I don’t have the money or resources to do so and feel really, really frustrated.  I usually wake up believing that I am trapped and it takes me some minutes to realise that I am in my own place, live on my own and don’t have the constraints that I feel in my dream.

Now, the thing is I don’t argue with my mom.  There have been issues between us but they have been resolved and I feel in peace (or so I think!).  I have told her about my dreams and we both don’t know why I have them.

If they didn’t upset me so much, I wouldn’t mind, but they always bring me down in my mood, which I am fighting hard to keep as up as I can.

Well, I thought I would tell you about it to see if you have any dreams that get this feelings for you.